Sunday, May 15, 2011


Both the Team Elite and Elite Lite teams returned from Toronto to end out their fantastic winning streak on a high note! Yet again, with too many amazing standings and special awards to mention, you dominated the overall awards!

Congrats to "My Own Step" and "Boom" for winning 1st Runner Up and Highest Scoring Pre-Competitive Duet/Trios! Also to Olivia for winning 2nd Runner Up Highest Scoring Junior Ballet solo, and to Emily for scoring 2nd Runner Up Highest Scoring Senior Ballet Solo!

Also congratulations to Madi and Alyssa for winning 1st and 2nd Runner Up Highest Scoring Mini Solo, Emma and Makayla for winning 1st and 2nd Runner Up Highest Scoring Junior Solo and to Katie for winning Highest Scoring Senior Solo!

Congratulations to "Dynamite", "Party Time" and "Silent Night" for winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd Highest Scoring Junior Duet/Trios, "Kids in America" and "Can't Buy Me Love" winning 1st and 2nd Highest Scoring Mini Small Groups, "When She Loved Me" and "Beggin'" for 1st and 3rd Highest Scoring Junior Groups, "For Our Heroes" for winning 2nd Highest Intermediate Group.

More congratulations go out to "Winter Migration" for winning 3rd Highest Scoring Junior Large Group and to "Tribute" for winning Highest Scoring Ext. Line or Production along with the 3rd Highest Mark of Competition! Also we are proud to welcome home yet another huge trophy after receiving the 3rd Highest Combined Score Total for the weekend!

Lastly, congratulations to our scholarship winners, Jillian and Katie who received over $1500 in Scholarships to L.A.!

What a season! We couldn't be more proud of you with all your hard work and commitment. It really shows in every performance and we are truly happy to have been able to be a part of your lives again this year! Way to go dancers!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Streak Continues at Star Catchers in Hamilton

THE STREAK CONTINUES! Team Elite recently returned from competition in Hamilton victorious once again!

Congratulations to the fantastic placements from all of our dancers as they came away with too many overall and special awards to mention including Best Choreography, Highest Scoring Routines of Session and Most Promising Performances!

Special congratulations goes to "Party Time" for Highest Scoring Mini Duet/Trio, "Kids in America" for Highest Scoring Mini Group, Kassidy for Highest Scoring Mini Routine, "Silent Night" for Highest Scoring Novice Duet/Trio, Madi for Highest Scoring Novice Routine, "When She Loved Me" and "Can't Buy Me Love" for 1st Runner up and Highest Scoring Junior Groups.

Also, kudos to "Toxic" which scored 1st Runner Up Highest scoring Senior Duet/Trio, and to "Night of Salsa" and "Tribute" which scored the 1st Runner Up and Highest Scoring Junior Routines of Competition!

Additional Congratulations to our students recognized as being the Most Promising Performers of competition: Alina, Lauren B., and Makayla. We must also recognize our Scholarship Winners: Madeleine, Madisen and Zachary who were awarded over $2000 in scholarships by the competition!

Finally, congratulations once again to "Tribute" which was awarded the coveted Highest Achievement for a Large Choreographed Routine of Competition! WELL DONE!

Keep it up! One more to go! As usual, we are so proud of each and every one of you!